Mathues has been aware of the “End Times” scenario for over 45 years; he began writing his book series 33 years ago. His insight was all from his oversoul and higher self. The personality of this identity has been hinted at in a variety of ways. His humble nature has been the modest approach to just giving the wisdom and allowing the vibration to communicate the essence and the Light.

The time has come to reveal more! The edge of the new earth reality is within feet of actualization.

The team at the 7th Seal Temple has had the full understanding for years now about many things and has dedicated time and energy, along with our own resources and assistance of Donations from our members, to work full time on preparing the highest outcome. The outcome is multi-prong, in that it is not only about being at the center of the new financial system, but providing the assets that back the new digital dollar (USN).

The QFS has been plastered across many alternative media platforms without the full understanding of the reality of the pieces and the players. We have been in the loop in many regards, and it is not what has been disclosed and forecast by the truther community. It is still a system run by the old banking families. Our efforts to create alternative solutions have prepared various elements and partnerships that provide a hybrid solution. We have been cautious about revealing the entirety because we know those that attempt to overthrow the “financial system” are eliminated. Mathues has experienced how he has been protected and guarded from interference, yet has remained cautious.

The White Hat Alliance has not been as forthcoming in joint orchestration as we would have desired. And therefore we have had to create our own Alliance of aligned hearts that are protecting (from those that are in positions of influence) those who are holding the master trust, along with the authority over the global assets that we have been acknowledged for, with the power according to treaty to resolve the debt of countries and royal families that have agreed to treaties to underpin countries treasuries, with the lease of the gold to the central banks.

We have been busy behind the scenes on various levels, including the spiritual information about what is actually happening in the much talked about “Celestial Event Horizon”.

We have all heard the messages about the collective consciousness shift that is necessary to trigger the New Earth reality. Many have done their personal work to meet the mark of the One Maker (the Grand Creator). We have known that certain things must come to pass for the highest vision of all to fully manifest. Some have been told decades ago by Spiritual Sages and various ancient men that it couldn’t happen until 2024.

Now that we are at the divine time of the true Resurrection, many things will shift due to the divine cosmic clock (e.g. Pluto causes civilizations to fall and other signs and wonders cause massive change according to Portals, Gateways and Star Alignments).

Easter is traditionally demarcated by the full moon, yet the actual time of the Crucifixion’s moment is not normally known, just like the true time of Jesus’ birth (5/22). The 4/8/2024 Solar Eclipse is the time of the Cross Hanging Moment (CHM).

The CHM is the time that the most high has created as the ultimate judgment for the USA. The USA was created to be the Light of the World by the urging of St. Germain (the hidden Professor who guided the Quest to establish a Light Order of guiding direction for this country, which has been infiltrated and subverted) and it has been hijacked by massive corruption in the entire national government bodies that maintain control.

Many have heard that the Light has already won. It wasn’t because of the rumors in the truther communities such as Trump being the secret Republic President or JFK Jr., who is still in hiding, orchestrating an underground plan to resolve everything. It WAS, and always has been, the invisible hand of God that maintains the highest authority over all, that the CHM is playing out now in the End Times as paradigm shift. What is holding up a Great Awakening is the Full Truth about the entire scope of what is actually happening.

We have not been the most outspoken group about the Return of Christ, but something more profound and hyper-focused on the plan to create a Heaven on Earth, for the benefit of all Humankind, with the people who are of the people for the people outcome. We have been shouldered with the responsibility to use the assets we are custodians of in a way that represent a true and just use and a proper allocation according to the very old treaties that allowed the creation of money in a system that has been controlled by the Dark Cabal.

Last year, we were approached by the Federal Reserve Board and the other five monetary bodies to save the collapse of JP Morgan Chase, as we had been given the sole authority to create the financial instruments involved. We did not trust these bad acting entities, yet we also didn’t want a catastrophe to happen to masses of people due to a collapsing major bank, especially if we could help prevent it. So, we moved $200 trillion from the Master Trust into Chase Bank on November 18, 2023. To clarify, these financial instruments are not monies that we have in our possession, but we were promised some compensation for our work to do this. Other transactions to pay off debt (for certain countries, for example) were conducted, but the Treasury and Chase still, to this day, have not upheld their part of the deal to release the funds to the debt holders and to us for our service. We do have many other transactions contracted to complete, such as starting the highest level redemption in Zimbabwe, in the trillions of USD. While we have access to the assets in the trust and can ledger the collateral and balance sheet funds, they must be used for the treaty purposes only and not for any other use, and any further benefit for our mission and members only comes from us actually receiving a commission for services rendered, which has now been delayed for over 5 months.

The higher guidance system that collectively guides the Elders of the 7th Seal Temple (a cadre of individuals who have scarified everything for the greater good, as a small group who has various levels of both authority in wisdom and inheritance rights) have been shown that the funds to launch the entire New Earth with massive abundance cannot happen with the current leadership in the USA and heads of financial entities as they stand today.

There does need to be a reset, yes, but it is not the GCR that has been spoken of by various individuals and outlets that support the narrative of NESARA. We have said for years that it won’t happen without the real value needed to accomplish it, which we hold. Mathues has been aware of the truth and the way for the light to shine with all the greatest outcome for decades and has upheld the mantle of the Divine Authority over the world’s ancient asset wealth since his teens and foresaw the changing of the guard as a biblical prophesy.

The “Sign of the Time” is coming in a few short days and has been foretold in a multitude of ways. Especially with all the straightforward talk on Deep Disclosure, where you have always heard the truth. We had to stop that show for a while due to all the facts of the above and the need to be secretive about all the authority that our group possesses. We have decided to start up the show again and give as much information as possible.

We are working around the clock to assemble the Gaia Guardian Alliance. And cannot give details of the depth of this effort. Yet the role that you can play is to support the truth and the understanding that a supreme Creator and higher Galactic Council and embodied spiritual leaders of the past are guiding the full activation of 1000 years of peace!